Is your church preaching the Gospel or is it preaching humanism?

Written by on January 16, 2022

Is your church preaching the Gospel or is it preaching humanism?

I have had the opportunity to visit several churches in the past year. In some cases, I’ve been called to preach. In other instances, my wife and I just decided to visit. A handful warmed our hearts with the unadulterated preaching of the gospel. However, a good number centered their pulpit ministry on humanism. The long and short of modern-day humanism is that it elevates the goodness of man above the glory of God. It is often politically correct. It is afraid to speak the truth lest someone’s subjective feelings get offended. It is sensational, feel-good, and me-centered. In a nutshell, it’s all about you; your happiness, your feelings, your methods, your ideas, your comfort, and your preferences. Humanism is an antithesis of the Gospel of Jesus that tells us to die to self (Galatians 5:24Luke 9:23Galatians 2:20).

By Ernest Wamboye

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