Meet The Strongest Women In The Bible
Written by G Njuguna on March 9, 2022
Yesterday the world commemorated international women’s day. This is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Today we look at some of the strongest women in the bible.
One of the most important strong women in the Bible is Mary, Jesus’ mother. The gospels recount how she was told she would be with child — a shock, considering that she was a virgin who was not yet married to Joseph. Rather than panicking or lamenting, Mary accepted God’s will for her life.
Beyond that, she watched decades later as her son was crucified as part of the Lord’s redemption plan. Mary is naturally one of the female Bible heroes from whom we can learn lessons about devotion, listening to the Lord, and acceptance of what His plans are — even when our own wants and whims might not line up.
Esther is yet another example of the many powerful women in the Bible who stood up to defend her people. As a Jew, she and her people were under fire at the hands of an evil man named Haman who had pledged to wipe them out.
As queen, she took the risk of approaching the king without being summoned (an act that could have led to severe punishment) to advocate against Haman and for her people. Esther’s boldness and her reliance on God and truth are important examples for us all.
Among strong women in the Bible, who we’d be remiss not to include, is Deborah, a female Israeli judge — the only one in fact. We find Deborah’s story in Judges 4-5.
Deborah’s story shows us some powerful lessons about God and His ability to use any of us for His plans. She’s one of the powerful women in the Bible who shows us what’s truly possible when we listen to the Lord.